Hello again! My posting gap wasn't due to mere laziness this time. I moved into my new place Sunday, and I didn't have an internet connection until now. Plus, I've had my head buried in a variety of cardboard boxes, but the end is in sight. Sure, I'm missing a few key pieces of furniture like a kitchen table, but I'm sure IKEA and/or spring garage sales will solve that problem soon. A big thank you to the two Jasons who helped me move: one willingly, and one through trickery. I assured my cousin Jason that I would use my NetFlix connections to get a hold of Walking Tall: The Payback, the Kevin Sorbo sequel to the The Rock remake of the 1970's Joe Don Baker classic tale of vigilante justice. That adds up to a movie that's twice removed from what was already B-grade material, but Jason being the bad movie aficionado that he is, he really wanted to see it. I graciously offered to host the viewing at my new place, and oh did I mention that we'll need to move the TV and a few other things over there first? Clever, eh? But there was indeed a Payback, or more like a Payoff, because the movie was Sorbo-rifically bad, in a very entertaining way. And as Jason pointed out, the first movie I ever watched in my home was Kevin Sorbo's Walking Tall: The Payback, and nothing will ever change that. In the tradition of MST3K's Satellite of Love, he christened my digs the "Satellite of Sorbo." See, Mom- more good uses for your label maker. I'll never mock again.
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