I'm sitting here watching the Twins beat the Mariners again (GO TWINS!!). A minute ago there was a commercial featuring Justin Morneau, American League MVP last season and cute young Canadian bachelor. What was he selling, you may wonder? Was it a sexy car? Sexy athletic shoes? Something sexy? Folks, this is baseball. He was selling...milk. That's right, Land-O-Lakes milk is Justin Morneau's MVP: Most Valuable Pour. How cheesy is that? It sounds like something from 1960's radio. I love it! No milk commercials in football, I assure you. Not that I don't like football. But do Average Joe and the Everyday Joneses spend more time drinking beer with their skinny, beautiful, fun-loving friends, or buying and drinking milk? Baseball is still the all-American game in the best sense of the term, and that means it has real commercials for real folks, at least some of the time. And does Morneau the big sports star have a trendy bachelor pad? Kind of. He lives in a big house, but he pays rent to his house-owning roomie, Twins super-catcher Joe Mauer.

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