Saturday, January 5, 2008

no blogging in a vacuum

As it turns out, my blogs do not just show up on the internet for my friends and family and other people I have direct connections to. For one thing, who is my mystery reader in Las Vegas? Hello to you, whoever you are, but I have no clue who in Vegas would be interested in what I have to say.

I am woefully backlogged over at Book Barker, with dozens and dozens of books I've read but haven't posted yet. So the last couple reviews I did were fast and dirty, in the hopes that a half-assed review is better than nothing at all. I may rethink that approach. I wrote a very quick blurb about a book I couldn't get into. It was probably one of the most ho-hum reviews in the history of Book Barker; very little useful review information, and mostly just a plot summary and my one-sentence personal reaction to what is really a guy book, and a boxing book- both not me. And tonight I noticed the post had gotten a comment. Hey, that's cool, I don't get a lot of comments. I wonder who left it? Oh look, it's FROM THE AUTHOR. *sigh* And of course, when faced with an actual person who I'm sure put months of his life into this very decent book, all the positive things I thought about his book but didn't write because I was in a hurry floated up to haunt me. So the backlog will have to languish a little longer, because my New Year's resolution for Book Barker is that all future reviews, when I manage to actually post them, will not be half-assed. They will be fully assed. Or is that no-assed? Is more or less better in this situation? Whatever it may be, I've learned my lesson about the false anonymity of the internet, and the pitfalls of a very informal medium, and all that. Thus concludes today's youseetimmy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello from Las Vegas! I read your blog because it was connected to my cousin Lena-bo-bena's blog. That, and I grew up in Minnesota and I enjoy reading snipits from home. I am also a fourocious reader and have enjoyed many of your recommendations. So thats how you got a reader in Las Vegas. Thank you for the blog, and the home-sick cure.