Tuesday, August 7, 2007

unexpected connection

When the list of the eight people still missing after the bridge collapse was released a few days ago, I was shocked to recognize one of the names. Scott Sathers was in my high school graduating class. We were never more than passing acquaintances at most, and I had no idea what had become of him after high school. Still, of 10,000+ people who crossed that bridge every day and the 13 who probably lost their lives, actually knowing one of them is a little surreal. Scott was a nice guy from what I remember, a bit of a class clown in a preppy kind of way. Good-natured, not cruel or mean. Played hockey, which I never would have remembered without looking at our senior yearbook. I haven't had a chance to visit the site yet, but when I do it'll seem that much more real- or maybe unreal, I'm not sure yet. Because now I have a face to go with my respects and prayers, even if it is 12 years out of date.

Scott is on the left

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my, Scott, really? I knew him about as well as you, but still, like you said...man. :(