Sunday, September 2, 2007

blog slacker

Sorry about the lack of newness here at MSR lately. I've been partly busy, partly taking a little break, and partly lacking the visuals I'd like since my camera insists it has a Card Error and won't take any more pictures. Poo. I suppose I might post some backpacking pictures tomorrow, if I get around to it. How's that for decisive? I hope all of you out there have a wonderful Labor Day with as little actual labor as possible.


shayna said...

pretty sure we need to take a backpacking trip next summer. or a bwca trip. either one. i need to do both at least once in my life. :)

Unknown said...

Hey Slacker! Your fans eagerly await your next missive. How else will we be entertained at work? ;)

Lena said...

hey there kiddo! I had so much fun hanging with you on Sat. Maybe we should get together and have a BallyK marathon. we can drink guinness and speak with irish accents!