Monday, July 16, 2007

oh yeah? recognizeTHIS!

Hi everyone, who/where-ever you are.

I'm back. But my computer no longer recognizes my camera when I try to hook it up, so I can't yet share any fun photos of what the heck I've been up to in the last, oh, 3 weeks. The peaks I've climbed, the minivans I've sat in, the camels I've seen standing around, half-submerged. It's all trapped on my camera. Stories are coming, eventually, but I'm a child of the 21st century: I need visuals!

By the way, at first I typed "child of the 12th century." What would I need then? Dirt? A motte and bailey?


Taliesin said...

I imagine a child of the 12th century would probably need a bath...

alicia said...

True, that.