Sunday, June 3, 2007


When I was in grad school, a dear friend hosted a series of Buffythons. This was before they were released on DVD; he just had them all on tape. I had never watched the show, seeing as how it was called "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." He kindly showed me and a fortunate group of others what we'd been missing for four years. I didn't think anything would ever match those Buffythons as a communal Buffy bonding experience. I was wrong.

I just got back from a Buffy Singalong, a.k.a. Buffy-oke. It's part karaoke, part Rocky Horror Picture Show, all Buffy. You fans of the show are well-acquainted with the sixth season highlight, an episode called "Once More, With Feeling," during which, in the immortal words of Milhouse, the cast goes crazy Broadway-style. Music, lyrics, writing and directing by Joss Whedon, may he ever prosper. And now a couple of guys from New York have taken an interactive version on the road. The fun began at midnight. There was a little audience play-acting, a few video montages, trivia, and most importantly, a subtitled sing-along extravaganza, complete with props:

I won't go into it, but they each had their place.

It may be coming to a theater near you. Here in Minneapolis, it played at the Riverview, one of the last of the old neighborhood theaters. There was a solid crowd of at least 400-500, and a great crowd it was. If the show is coming to your town and you can stay up that late, it was fantastic fun. My next trip to Riverview: midnight Serenity viewing in three weeks. Yes!!!

1 comment:

Taliesin said...

I guess that really is the natural progression of things :) Ahhhh, that would be glorious fun! But since my lovely wife doesn't like Buffy, and we plan to celebrate our 3-year wedding anniversary the weekend of the Chicago show, I'm afraid I'm going to have to sit this one out.

Now the Serenity viewing -- that's something we could both totally get behind...